My Story

I grew up in Upstate New York, a suburb of Rochester, NY and was the youngest of five children in my family. As a young boy I vividly recall watching my mother perform in local theater, yet my family was a sports driven family.  My brothers and I all played football along with a host of other sports.

In my first semester in college I took an acting class.  Not being very good and feeling very uncomfortable I quickly ended my time pursuing anything in the arts.  After graduating and working locally for a few years, feeling dismayed by the harsh winters and wanting to make a big change I packed my rental car with as many items as I could make fit and hit the road.  At 19 or 20 I had shared my desire to head to the west coast and was quickly discouraged.  This time I called my family, yes including my parents after I was half way across the country.

I made my way to San Diego where I spent ten happy years.  I found my way back to the east coast after meeting the women I would eventually marry.   She loves to tell the story about my first visit to see her in NYC. While at the train station, grabbing coffee the barista asked her if I was an actor.  In sharing this casual comment, I revealed to her I had always been interested in acting, had taken a class my first semester in college but never stuck with it.  

Fast forward a few years, feeling restless and wanting 'more' out of life, I  took a leap of faith and signed up for my very first acting class at the Howard Meyers Acting School.  I was hooked and still am.